金曜日, 3月 10, 2006


眼科のお仕事 → 12月に退職 → 1月から再びノーススター → 3月末自宅へ → 3月29日ハワイへ→ YWAM のスタッフ(半年〜一年)→ 未定

Long time no writing! How are you? I had been GENKI well.
I want you tell what happen since last post to until now is
Working at eye clinic → I quit that job ( because it was 4 months commitment ) → Came back to Northstar → Going back to home March 22nd → March 29th ,Going to Hawaii → become YWAM staff ( it will be 6 months or 1 year commitment ) → I have no idea next.
These things happened for 4 months. If I try to say this past 4 months , It was like vanilla ice cream with chocolate ,nuts ,pop candy, caramel and marshmallow mixed together. It means full days. ( dose it makes sense?)
Now ,I'm satisfied by I updated my blog after long time, in future I would like to share my comments little by little.
Thank you for reading my blog. See you.

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