日曜日, 10月 18, 2009

秋の乗鞍・Fall here in Norikura


It's been so cold here in morning and night here in Norikura. Top of Norikura got snow this morning. It's been 3 years since last post( I can't believe it time fry). I've been living at Hawaii, Ueda and little bit Osaka too, finally I stoped my traveling days and now staying here in Norikura Since year before April. Around my home is 1500 meter high, I can see a pretty scenic view from my windows.I'm hoping to share my life in Norikura. I'll try to keep up my post. (3rd picture is my parents, they visit me couple days ago)

日曜日, 11月 26, 2006


みなさん、どうもありがとう。SEE YOU SOON。
It's already been 3 months, How are you doing?
I was working at kitchin and yard for last 3 months at YWAM Honolulu. I love
d it. Also I had lecture about mission couple of times a week. I came back here for to do SOME which is school but it changed as internship. It was diffrent what I imaged but this was better , God prepared it for me. I can not find words for explain these days right now but I think it is OK and I just strongly know is God is guiding me faithfuly.
I'm going to back japan tommorow and hope come back Hawaii April.
I was so encouraged through different peoples, thank you so much for being my life.

火曜日, 9月 05, 2006


I drop pff Carlyn to air port. We had graduation last night. Alex, Gabe and I share that what we did in Japan and our testimony, especialy we talked about we didn't see alot of people saved but we touched peoples life and they changed, that was God called us to do and it was such a honner to wisness for it, and asked people that keep send team to Japan. After that, each person got graduation card. We hug with each one of the person. I realized that how much God blessed this last 5months. I'm going to bring Alex to air port and Corey and Gabe will leave tommorow night. I'll miss every one.

土曜日, 9月 02, 2006

We backed!!!

チームのみんなも元気です。2ヶ月、乗鞍のノーススターアドベンチャーでスタッフをしてました。ハイキングやマウンテンバイクにお客さんと一緒に行ったり、食事を共にしたり。(この夏マウンテンバイクが大好きになりました) その他にも、地元の教会やユースグループで、スキットや自分がクリスチャンになったまでのストーリーを話したりしました。週に一度高山の友だちを訪ねて行って、一緒に賛美を歌ったり、どんな事で悩んでいるかって分ちあったりもしました。この2ヶ月を一言で言うと、かみさまの恵みの中を泳いだって感じかな。楽しいとき、ハードなときいろいろあったけれど、すべてが神様の恵みで通されたきがします。そして、リーダーとして十分じゃないあたしを支えてくれたチームメンバーとゲイブ、同僚のエイミーにも心から感謝してます。ノーススターの一人一人にも。みんながいてくれなかったら、私たちは路頭に迷っていたと思います。ノーススターリーダーシップのメンバーに特に拍手をささげたいです。日本で、世界で祈って支えてくださった人々にも。そして、何より神様、あなたが私に見せてくれたものはなんとすばらしい事だったでしょう。この夏蒔かれた、神様の願いの種が育って行くよう祈っています。その種とはイエスキリストの救いです。

I can't believe that it alredy 2months left since last time.
How are you every one? I came back to Hawaii today. Finaly, I didn't up date my blog in Japan. Lazy Michie! sorry.
All team member are doing good. We had been Northstar for 2months and did that hiking mountain biking wiht guest and eat with guest. (now I love to do mountain bikeing) Also we went to local church and youth ministry and shere our salvation testimony ,did some skit and went to our friends house once a week and worship together ,encourage each other like that.
I feel this 2months was I swimed in God's grace. There were hard part and fun part but everything was gone through by His grace. And I appricate to students and Gabe who helped me even I wasn't enough as leader. Thank you Amy, you are best coworker ever. Thank you for northstar's staff ,We would be lost without you guys, northstar leadership team thank you for your effort. Youguys had done awesome job.And people who prayed for us in Japan and world, thank you so much. Last is to God, How awesome that you had done for us and Japan. I pray that God will grow seeds that we put this summer.
I'll be Hawaii for 3 months so please come Hawaii and see me. Kayo ,patrick and Junker's ,I'll wait for you guys.

日曜日, 6月 25, 2006

God loves Japan!

This Morning, Japan team left from Honolulu. I'll arrive there 27th. Outreach has just started but I'm still in Hawaii.
We will be Tokyo until 29th and go to work at Northstar Advencher until Sep 1st.
I'm so excited for this 2months.And my prayer is God's will for Japan be done through us .
I really thankful God because He send people from other country for Japanese know truely God.And also I could work as part of this team, God loves Japan so much. Japanese has somuch money and things but they are missing important part.It is God who created this world and love each person with fully heart. Japanese need salvation.
I ask you to pray for our team and His will be done through us. We really want to encourage Japanese Christian also.
thnak you for your prayer. talk to you soon.

木曜日, 5月 11, 2006

Baby sitting



It's been while. How are you doing?
This is 4th week in DTS. The time is frying. A diffrence spraker come every week ,they are radical christian so I learn alot from lecture.
One of my work is babysitting. I do it twice a week at morning, they are students kids.(4year boy 2year,6month girl ,they are brother and sister) They are extreamly cute and also I take nap time after baby sitting.
I think that american parents are try hard make sure kids have good manner.(it is dipends people)
As kids need obey that parents said , get panishment when kids didn't listen parents said these are not usued to see in Japan I think. And parents try to do these calmly , tell kids that why they are in truble and enjoy with kids as play. I think that kids feel be loved when parents has authority. One of student who are 19 years old , she said " My Dad and Mom love me " easily. I think it is really cool!
It will be Mothers day soon . It is mother's day but I want to say both my parents thank you, I feel that be loved.
Talk to you soon.

火曜日, 4月 18, 2006



A lecture started frin today. A speaker of this week is Ashleigh who are DTS leader and she talk about what are we going to study through this DTS. And one of exciting things today is student decided outreach locationthrough prayer time. We have two team and one is going to India and other is going to Japan!! A leader who are going to lead is Amy and 2 boys students and 3girls students. We are 7 of us in our team.
I 'm really thankful that I can understand lecture more than I had before in my DTS now. A life now I living is as never have imagine.God grace is inestimable! I expect that grow up my faith in his grace more and more.